My Personal Ascension Journey
Since this is my first article on this new website, let me tell you a little bit about how Living our Ascension came to be. I was born in New Delhi, India on 9th October 1984. Since childhood my life took me to many different countries and I have lived for several years each in London, Kuwait, Hong Kong and Croatia. Not to mention several cities in India. I currently live and serve in San Francisco, California! Let me tell you a little bit about how Living our Ascension came to be. In 2012-14 my life changed completely! Those were the years I lived alone for the first time in a foreign country. And as if out of 'nowhere' I became very sensitive. My psychic senses just blew open. Suddenly I began to see auras and sense energy around me. My dreams were very vivid and reflected strongly all that was around me both lower and higher energies. Nothing I had felt and not fully acknowledged could be suppressed any longer. Suddenly, everything started coming to the surface, even things from decades ago I had forgotten about. When I would go out into nature, I could see the tree people moving and shifting. When I would go to work, I could feel everything everyone else was vibrating with. This was all very intense for me especially as I didn't believe in other realms before this. However, at the same time as the astral phenomenon, I was also being touched by the higher spiritual levels of Light. I knew the Angelic Beings and the Universe in general was communicating with me and guiding me through hints. I wrote this poem during that time.
I drop my rose-tinted glasses to find I’m in a prism of love When my eyes are clear of all fear my thoughts find a place in Stillness I See the lotus of Consciousness envelops me in many folds I unravel them, one at a time, and what enchantments they hold! In love I find my wholeness, from fear, I learn my power My gaze is the wonder of a child my eyes, Oceans of time There were overwhelming moments where I finally knew in my cells without even fully understanding or being able to explain why I had been born. I knew I had a 'special' or rather specific mission and that it had been activated NOW. Thereon, in 2o15, there were many things that led to the full activation of the Higher Heart chakra. Disappointment in relationships, confronting some childhood abuse, forgiving and accepting all connected with it, most especially myself, over and over again through going deep into my cells one day brought me into Higher Heart embodiment. I remember I went to our Swan Lake in Croatia that day and the sky was beautiful and pink. The clouds seemed to be meeting the Earth. And there were lovers beholding the beautiful pink sunset all around me. It was a Magical experience and in the moment I realised this was a reflection of the Inner Marriage that had taken place inside of me. It was some time in 2015 that I began sharing about my experiences online with the world through Facebook. But it wasn't until late 2015 that I started a dedicated blog and gave it the name Living our Ascension. In 2012-14 my life changed completely! Those were the years I lived alone for the first time in a foreign country. And as if out of 'nowhere' I became very sensitive. My psychic senses just blew open. Suddenly I began to see auras and sense energy around me. My dreams were very vivid and reflected strongly all that was around me both lower and higher energies. Nothing I had felt and not fully acknowledged could be suppressed any longer. Suddenly, everything started coming to the surface, even things from decades ago I had forgotten about. From that moment onwards my experience of Time is not linear. I know we exist in many dimensions all at once. Gradually I began Consciously connecting with the Universe in meditation, through oracle card guidance and through Nature Flow. And my higher Spiritual qualities, especially a genuine connection to the Higher Self started to open up. The Higher Heart level of Ascension embodiment is connected to soulmate relationships and soul creativity. Around this time I found many all over the world who were connected part of my extended Soul family. As well as some who were direct or Primary Soul family. This was the beginning of a much lighter phase. One that I was proud I had activated through my own inner work and through choosing Love in the choices my physical life presented.
I continued to do inner work pretty much every day and every single time an uncomfortable feeling would pop up in the body, Just within a few months after the Higher Heart activation, around 26th July 2015, I stepped into a much higher level of Angelic Mastery which is the embodiment of the White Flame of Mother. There are very few words to classify or describe this merge. Except I AM THAT I AM. I AM. No Birthday, wedding day or anything else of the world can compare to the feeling of this day when I married myself fully. And was returned to myself once more. No one in the world knew about this quiet celebration that I was brimming with. It was not needed. For I was finally completely full and empty at the same time. Below is a picture taken on that day in a necklace and earrings I made for myself to honour this Rite of Passage Initiation. I began sharing all my experiences and guidance on the Ascension process through every day guidance and occasional youtube videos. Along the way many wonderful things have opened up for me. Always that which helps me to Serve the highest good. And where the Path felt more about deliberate effort before, is NOW about just being mySelf. And living expansion Simply through breathing, When we experience such Love in the body, it is a force larger than ourselves which has a plan larger than ourselves. Therefore each time it fills us up we feel the responsibility to share it with the world. It therefore must flow from us into the world, through our own unique Light. And that is how Living our Ascension was born. I AM so excited at this new point of the journey too with the birth of this website. I don't fully know all I AM to do with it yet, but it feels so right! Is there anything you would like to see from me that can help me serve you better? Feel free to leave comments below. Stay tuned, subscribe to my blog The Illumined Path for more Inspirational blogs. I love you all and thank you for your support and love! Most days I can't believe how blessed I AM to work with such Pure and loving Ones.
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